Purchasing online for most people is like breathing now, but we certainly do understand that some people just want to talk to someone, so please call in and we can process your order over the phone.
In the past 14 years we have never had any payment, fraud or unsecure incidents happen over the net, however that is not to say that they will never happen. What we can guarantee is that we will keep your details secure, manage your payments with discretion and hold onto your personal information tightly.
We will not sell your information to anyone.
Card data is not hosted by Aussie Action Kids after processing.
There are 4 Payment Choices to finalise your Purchase
- Secure Online Through Stripe,ย Where Card Details are Transmitted Through A Secure Server and Certificate
- PayPal Where You Can Use The Credit Card Of Your Choice. You Do Not Have To Have A PayPal Account To Use PayPal.
- Zip Pay (If you do not have an account with Zip Pay – please CLICK HERE)
- AfterPay
Thank you
Viv Grimston
Director & Owner